How to Manage Your Manager

If you thought being fired is the worst thing your manager can do to you, well think again. Studies have shown that employees who are not treated fairly by their boss have an increase risk of developing coronary heart disease.

So, if you still care about your health and still want to prolong your life, strive to create a harmonious relationship with your boss. Below are some suggestions:

  • Treat your manager like customers. Accommodate the requirements of your boss the same way you accommodate the needs of your customers. If you have to please someone in the organization, your boss should be on the top of your list. Just like a customer, the best way to satisfy your superior is to deliver what is expected from you.
  • Understand your boss. You manager is also human. He can have the same day-to-day problems like that of an ordinary individual. Do not expect that he is capable of solving all your team’s problem. First-grader type of issues need not be referred to your boss. If you can address an issue within your level of authority, just do it and do not falter.
  • Do not be a burden. Your manager was given certain targets by top management. He needs to accomplish it within a defined period of time. The purpose of your being is to help your boss achieve that target. Make sure that you are not a burden to his already complicated life.
  • Open your line of communication. Your boss is not a mind-reader. He cannot guess what’s inside your mind. If you believe that you have a perfect solution to your team’s problem, talk to your boss and present your ideas. On the other hand, if your work load is already unreasonable, discuss priorities and options with your boss. Tell him what you can and can no longer handle.
  • Lead the way. There are some managers who are indecisive and vague when making decisions. Instead of waiting for their long overdue instructions, initiate the decision-making process by giving them few options and one clear recommendation. If your boss is known for giving vague instructions, ask for clarifications so that you will not end up making erroneous outputs. However, managers who are control-freak and overly-involved, may misinterpret your initiative as a threat to their position. Those who are under these categories are known to have trust issues. If you are subordinates of these types of boss, step on the breaks and incorporate specks of submissiveness to assure your boss that they are still on top of you.

Bear in mind that your relationship with your boss is the most important one at work. This will have an impact on your job satisfaction and your future advancement in the organization.

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