Signs That You Need to Leave Your Current Job

In my previous article “Job Hunting Strategies That May Help You Land a Job This 2010”, I listed down some pointers that will guide you on your job hunting activities. If you are currently employed but very unhappy with your present job, jumping to another company may be your next option. But before you hand over your resignation letter, make sure that you have thoroughly analyzed the pros and cons of leaving your present job and the possible effect of such action on your family’s financial position. If you are still having second thoughts about your decision, below are some signs that you really need to jump out of your current job:

  • You hate Mondays and you love Fridays or holidays.
  • You are always late, since you literally drag your feet to go to work every morning. But in most cases, you just phone in sick.
  • If ever you decided to report for work, you spend your time counting the hours and eagerly waiting for the end of your shift. While waiting, you will squander your office time surfing the net or updating your Twitter or Facebook account.
  • Your boredom will cause you to daydreaming – making you sleepy at work and eventually results to sloppy job performance.
  • Not only that you hate your job, but you also hate everything about your company including your boss, your co-workers, and your clients. As a result, you are irritated every time your boss gives you instructions and you cannot stand being near your co-workers. In worst cases, you always argue with your customers.
  • You are suffering from paranoia. You always think that your boss and your co-workers are planning something against you and you feel that you are always an object of office gossips.
  • You feel that your career is enclosed inside a box where there is no more space to move or grow.
  • You are still unhappy with your job despite your good salary.
  • You somehow like your job but your salary cannot make both ends meet despite all efforts to trim your expenses.
  • You are against the philosophy of your company and you are very disappointed with the policies of your organization.
  • You are not proud of your company and you have lost your trust on your company’s products and services.
  • Your hatred towards your company (or your job) is affecting your family relationship. When you arrive home after work, it’s either you are happy because you’re out of your office misery or you’re irritated because work problems are following you at home.
  • Your health is suffering not because of the physical demands of your job but because of the emotional stress your job (or your company) is giving you.
  • If you find yourself agreeing with most of the situations listed above, then you know what to do. Go ahead and give that resignation letter to your boss… immediately; before you can do serious damage to yourself and to your company.

Content Source: Signs That You Need to Leave Your Current Job | Bizcovering


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